Buying a Share

4 Share Sizes to Choose From:

In the end, which share option is right for you depends on how much you cook and how much you love fresh veggies.

Every Week Share

24 Weekly Pick-Ups

Appropriate for a household of four people who eat a decent amount of veggies.

$800 – $1000 

Every-Other Week Share

12 Biweekly Pick-Ups

Appropriate for households of one or two people who live farther from the farm or for larger households who anticipate being out of town a lot during the summer.

$450 – $550

Share Every Week

24 Weekly Pick-Ups

Appropriate for households of one or two people.

$550 – $650

Share Every-Other Week

12 Biweekly Pick-Ups

Appropriate for smaller households, people who live farther from the farm, or people who expect to be away a lot during the summer.

$325 – $425

Some people choose to split a share with a friend. 

All our shares are available on a sliding price scale, in an effort to make membership in our farm available to a wider diversity of people. 

Pay what you feel is right for your budget and circumstances.

If you pay more it helps the farm to invest in infrastructure and equipment while making the shares affordable to a broader community. We budget for the farm based on a middle number. Consider paying more if you own your own home, have investments, travel for recreation, have a high degree of earning power, or work part time by choice. Consider paying at the lower end if you have significant debt, are supporting children or family members, have medical expenses not covered by insurance, or have tuition or educational expenses.

Thank you for your support, and we’re excited to be your farmers!

Join Today & Pay Online

Prefer to Pay By Check –>

Download and mail in the membership form with your payment.

Note: If you already filled out the online form and paid online, you do not need to send in the Member Commitment Form.

Need to make an Installment Payment?

After you’ve made a deposit, your installment payments are due on June 1st & July 1st.

If you’ve paid in full, you do not need to make an installment payment.