
What’s New for 2016

It’s still early March, but we’ve had some certifiable Spring days already this year. (One afternoon so mild, in fact, that farmer Stefan was able to take a kayak out on the river!) The warm weather and blue skies have got us thinking about fields and flowers again — and I’m sure we’re not the … Read more

John Reflects on the 2015 Season

Since the final distribution your farmers have been thinking about this year’s growing season. In a nutshell, the 2015 season was a very good year in an average sort of way. It was a “typical” year for the farm, in the best sense of the word. The shares were diverse, abundant, and reflected past suggestions … Read more

Why We Like the CSA Model,
Part 1: Direct, Human Connection

[Editor’s Note: Hi, everybody! We’ve decided to write a series of smallish articles detailing what we like about the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model. In many respects, the CSA business model is a rather unconventional one, and CSAs represent only a tiny minority of the businesses that most people interact with. Since John and I … Read more

2015 Farm Improvement Projects

This morning’s snow imparted a decidedly wintry feeling to the day, but yesterday’s sun and mild temperatures seemed to me a foretelling of a foretelling of spring. Yesterday’s air had none of the scent of spring, but from the sunny vantage of yesterday afternoon … I sensed for the first time this year that spring’s … Read more

A Season of Abundance

Our 2014 season is coming down to its final distributions now, with our last regular pick-up being November 4th. We’re enjoying the autumn reappearance of all the cool-weather greens — swiss chard, kale, tatsoi, the premium mix, etc. — along with a generous helping of the heavy fall storage crops — winter squash, potatoes, carrots, … Read more

2014 Donated Shares for Homestead House

Early in 2014 we partnered with Cross River Mediation and the Frenchtown Acupuncture Clinic to provide two donated Tinicum CSA shares to the men living at Homestead House in Frenchtown. The Hunterdon County Democrat published an article about this partnership here on

2014 Season Kick-Off

It’s been snowing hard all day. Looking out the window of the camper-trailer here at the farm, we guess we’ve gotten 8 inches so far … and it’s still coming down. Despite the snow, though, John and Stefan have spent the whole morning thinking about Marigolds! and Cherry Tomatoes! and Sweet Potatoes! We’ve been working … Read more

2013 End-of-Season Reflection

Tinicum CSA’s first season is wrapping up now. Many people have been asking us, “How was the season?” The simple answer is: It has been really great! This first year has gone so very well, and we have deeply enjoyed it. The weather was basically cooperative. The harvest was abundant. We harvested at least 27,188 … Read more

Reflections on a Sliding Price Scale

Co-farmer Stefan here. I wrote the essay below as an op/ed piece that was published in the Intelligencer. I’m biased, but personally, I think sliding-scale prices are fascinating. I wanted to encourage readers to think a little bit about what they are actually valuing with their purchasing dollars … and what they would like to … Read more