
Potato Omelet

Here’s one of my new favorite recipes. It’s basically combining hash browns with an omelet. And the cool part is that it tastes like there’s meat in it…but there’s no meat in it. Since this is a great potato year for the farm, you can make plenty of these omelets. Enjoy! Ingredients Olive oil 1/2 … Read more

Roasted Beet Slices

“Simple, but good” might be how I describe our approach to recipes here at Tinicum CSA. After all, it’s pretty great to take a basic, delicious vegetable and turn it into a versatile side dish. If you’re wondering what to do with beets, this may be a gateway to enjoying them. This recipe is very … Read more

Roasted Sunchokes

So we added Sunchokes (a.k.a. “Jerusalem Artichokes”) to our vegetable line-up last year, and for many of you, this was your first encounter with these funny little tubers. Admittedly, sunchokes are kind of weirdos. They’re a bit weird in the ground, and they’re a bit weird in the kitchen … but if you ask me, … Read more

Baked Sweet Potato Slices

Hi sweet potato fans! Here’s an easy recipe I learned from my friends at Nourishing Acres Farm in Cedar Grove, NC. And now it’s my favorite way to prepare sweet potatoes. You get a delicious side dish and easy-to-use leftovers. I suggest that you try this. Ingredients 1 large Sweet Potato, 1/2″ slices Coconut Oil, … Read more

Miso Vegetable Soup

It’s clear that I’m a Miso convert. It’s also clear that Tinicum CSA root vegetables go well in a miso soup. Here’s a variation on this soup that I think you’ll enjoy. It also demonstrates how one can add kale to pretty much any recipe thereby gaining healthy nutrients and improving the overall value of … Read more

Kohlrabi and Apple Salad

Hello again, Food Fans! This is an entry from the file of Recipes After-the-Fact. There was a lot of chatter around our autumn pick-ups about the possibility of a Kohlrabi and Apple salad. Meaghan E. (who worked our Saturday pick-ups) found a tasty-looking recipe that involves grated gouda cheese and fresh tarragon.  While I definitely … Read more

Mom’s Rhubarb Pie

Stefan here. This is my mom’s recipe for rhubarb pie. It’s a favorite of mine from childhood, and really it’s easy as … well … pie. Without further ado…. Ingredients 2 pie crusts (top and bottom) 4 cups of diced rhubarb 1 and 1/2 C sugar 2 eggs 1/2 C flour 3 Tblsp milk 1/2 … Read more

How to Blanch & Freeze Kale

This method for blanching and freezing kale comes from Tinicum CSA member, Julia K. The method can be applied to pretty much any of the greens we grow including: kale, swiss chard, collards, spinach, broccoli raab, & tatsoi. You can also blanch broccoli and green beans. Blanching before freezing helps to retain the color and … Read more